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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AnonJrPosted - 25 Jun 2009 : 20:17:59
I know Ian Anderson has been around for a while... but this?

Photo and original post at Gizmodo. [link]
35,000-year-old Flute Is First Instrument Ever
By Jesus Diaz, 1:35 AM on Thu Jun 25 2009

This flute is the first musical instrument in the history of humankind—one of the first examples of technology—which has surprised everyone demonstrating that music already existed 35,000 years ago. Stone Age Rock Band, here we go.

It was made from the bone of a giant vulture during the Upper Paleolithic. Found in Ach Valley, in the south of Germany, the 8.7-inch long, one-inch diameter instrument has five holes, with two V-shaped notches carved on one side of it. This was the part in which the musician put the lips to blow, according to University of Tubingen's professor Nicholas Conard, the lead author of the discovery. The other end is broken just on the fifth hole.

Also according to the study, it was capable of producing a note range similar to those of modern flutes. Conard also points that while music probably didn't have much to do in the success of the first modern humans, it could have given them an advantage against the Neanderthals:
Upper Palaeolithic music could have contributed to the maintenance of large social networks, and thereby have helped facilitate the demographic and territorial expansion of modern humans compared to the more culturally conservative and isolated Neanderthals

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AnonJrPosted - 04 Jul 2009 : 09:05:59
That would describe a lot of the general public around these parts...

I have to say that I get the same vibe from them that I get from Zappa. Can't say exactly what that is, but there's just some sort of a "kindred spirit" thing going on there. Or maybe it was just the 70's.
AXEMAN2415Posted - 02 Jul 2009 : 19:15:00
I suppose I should be insulted..but I am too old to be
ShredheadPosted - 01 Jul 2009 : 02:16:16
They were right about one thing

No Will , that's not directed at you......probably lol
AXEMAN2415Posted - 29 Jun 2009 : 13:02:57
35,000 years old?

Yeah, that sounds about right for Ian

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