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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AnonJrPosted - 01 Mar 2007 : 21:29:56
One of the programmers I know through the Snitz Forums forums passed on a link he'd posted on his site (He's from the Netherlands, so there's a Dutch version of his site too).

The (above) link he posted shows 20-year old dutch rising star Stevie Ann playing Queen's 'One year of Love' on an acoustic guitar. WOW. And she can sing too. Seriously though, I went to her site and she writes some good original music, and sings and plays the piano and guitar very well.

For those of you on dial-up, I'm sorry you won't get to see the video in all its glory.

As a side note, when I read in her bio that she'd started on piano I began to think of some other wonderful songwriters/guitarists, and I thought of a conversation Will and I had had a while back on how the piano can influence your writing. Another discussion for another time.

Anyway, just thought I'd pass it along. Maybe she'll do a US tour...

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