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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AnonJrPosted - 06 Jan 2007 : 14:04:45
Just wanted to let ya'll know that I made some minor changes to the front page. When I first launched the site, all the lists on the front page were sorted by whatever topic had recently been posted in, which caused the news events to get a little out of order ... not unlike the band ...

Anyhoo, the "News and Events" list on the front page only is sorted by when it was posted to preserve the chronology - but the actual "News and Events" forum is still sorted by the date of the last post.

Also, the "Tour Dates" list on the front page is sorted by the title, where we'll put the date of the concert first ... and you'll be able to better plan to attend...

Lastly, there's a much overlooked feature in any Snitz powered forum, and that is the "Active Topics" page. This page shows all topics that have been posted in since you last logged in to the site. It is by far my favorite feature, and one of the ones I use most frequently. Its in the "Forum" menu at the top of the page.

Any questions/suggestions/etc. please let me know.

Have fun!
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Captain BlastoPosted - 08 Jan 2007 : 07:07:23
Anon -
Any questions/suggestions/etc. please let me know.

I guess I should qualify my previous post...
Captain BlastoPosted - 07 Jan 2007 : 21:36:11

Why is the sky blue?

Wool is so itchy...

Open the door before you walk through...

How's that???
jim@souljoyrecordsPosted - 07 Jan 2007 : 16:07:26
hey I many folks on yesterday I guess
AnonJrPosted - 07 Jan 2007 : 15:33:39
I guess this begs the question: Is a fix really fixing anything when the problem went unnoticed?

© Jesus Joshua 24:15 - A Soul Joy Records Recording Artist
Created By: Wayward Son Developers
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