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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BassGuitar777Posted - 24 Oct 2009 : 11:14:18
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BassGuitar777Posted - 25 Oct 2009 : 15:34:41
Not very well.
AXEMAN2415Posted - 25 Oct 2009 : 14:40:12
Scary...And this is what we will get here in the US if the Church continues to remain silent on major issues, remains apolitical, and will not challenge sinful behaviors. To be perfectly honest, I see many modern day believers (assuming they're committed in the first place)afraid to confront anything, thinking that people will be drawn to Jesus by our placid attitudes. Well, how's that workin' for us?
AnonJrPosted - 25 Oct 2009 : 11:58:46
I don't know which scares me more, the video or the comments...

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