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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ShredheadPosted - 30 Aug 2008 : 20:05:23
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ShredheadPosted - 01 Sep 2008 : 02:06:40
So what you're saying is , he should go back to the Firestream LOL .......just kidding , I know not everyone over there is like that .
AXEMAN2415Posted - 31 Aug 2008 : 15:48:13
As an addendum, I forced myself to listen to this "preacher"....And I find it interesting that he uses the same tactics that many non-believers use; he uses the Scriptures out of context, choses the one's that suits his personal ideology and argument, and couches his hateful remarks behind the authority of the Scripture.

If I knew Barak Obama, I would probably like him. I am certain we could sit down and have a drink and a meal together. I am sure we could even discuss Jesus together. But I don't want him as my president.

I have many friends that I love dearly, but I wouldn't vote for as leaders of anything. We, as Christians, need to stand on principle. But, the first principle is the one of truth.

This "preacher" knows not the truth. He is a terrible representation of a principled Christian.
AXEMAN2415Posted - 31 Aug 2008 : 15:33:14
You know, I absolutely don't want Obama to win. He is a far left liberal, bordering on socialism. He is dangerous for the future of the country.

Having said that, I do not believe God hates Obama. And I do not hate Obama. And to preach such things is not the Gospel of Christ.

This is one reason why we Christians get a bad rap from the world. If you're an American, and you want to vote for Obama, then do so. Do I think that it would be a wasted vote? Yes, I do. However, we Americans have the freedom to pick who we want to lead us. And we don't always get what we want.

What we need to do, as Christians, is pray that God will bless us despite our leadership. If we get a good president, great. If we get a bad one, let's pray that he/she is convicted by God to do the right things, despite themselves.

I don't believe it is hatred to vote against Obama, or to expose the truth about him. But, I do believe that it is wrong and hateful to wish him harm or to spread falsehood about him. God calls all Christians to operate in truth, not deceit. This, to me, is deceitful.

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