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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Captain BlastoPosted - 08 Jun 2008 : 01:03:30
The scary thing is that these actually ARE his friends...

If this doesn't embed then can ANON make it happen?

I think I already sent the link but here it is again...

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AXEMAN2415Posted - 10 Jun 2008 : 22:54:57
Well, you are right, we cannot "cut" them down. That's not our job, nor am I advocating that we do. But, we can marginalize their influence with being bold with the truth, and speaking out when necessary. Obviously, there's an echo chamber within the congregations of these types of churches. So I would agree that they are going to hear what they want to hear. But, I think that we need to be vigilant in order to dilute the damaging influence of these false teachers. And we can do that by calling it what it is, bringing attention to it, and speaking the truth of the Scripture over it.
ShredheadPosted - 10 Jun 2008 : 19:04:33
Without question my friend . But , if we were to tell this to those itching ears in the congregation , would they hear the Truth ? Jesus says to let the tares grow up with the wheat , this is something I battle with , as it seems contrary to the way I've been made lol . Scripture also warns us of those who preach only to profit themselves , I guess there will always be people that follow these men & women . Then , there are those of us that only seek the Fathers voice & will , even to their own expense , this is the Church/wheat .
So , I guess my question is , what do we do about all the tares ?
AXEMAN2415Posted - 09 Jun 2008 : 22:44:08
You bet, Shred, but they are particularly dangerous tares, because these guys are distorting the Gospel, and preaching a "Gospel" that is no gospel at all. And they are doing it to gain personal power, prestige, and to promote a very dangerous agenda to the nation, and all for selfish motives. Jesus is secondary to these men.
ShredheadPosted - 09 Jun 2008 : 18:24:06
Aren't these guys just the "tares" ?
Captain BlastoPosted - 08 Jun 2008 : 18:56:45
Hey everyone... I'm sorry but the descriptor for the irreverand was actually "Bile-spewing" which would be conceptually correct. I stand corrected, I guess I was just super-imposing my expectation of the anti-religious sentiment that seems to permeate the blogosphere. I guess I better check myself a little better in the future. It's still a scary/funny video though.
AnonJrPosted - 08 Jun 2008 : 12:52:50
Originally posted by AXEMAN2415
Oh, and BTW, the Captain is right: this is not sound Biblical teaching. This is a distortion of the Gospel. All Gospel is "Liberation Theology": that we are liberated from our sins by the Blood of Jesus Christ. This stuff being spewed by Wright and Pfleger is nothing more than what itching ears want to hear....

You mean things like this?
AnonJrPosted - 08 Jun 2008 : 12:44:19
Originally posted by Captain Blasto
If this doesn't embed then can ANON make it happen?

Its a feature I've been working on.. gimme another month or so to make sure it doesn't add any fun security issues. I've been able to successfully keep the hackers at bay so far. Now if we could only keep the hacks out of Government...
AXEMAN2415Posted - 08 Jun 2008 : 01:24:06
Oh, and BTW, the Captain is right: this is not sound Biblical teaching. This is a distortion of the Gospel. All Gospel is "Liberation Theology": that we are liberated from our sins by the Blood of Jesus Christ. This stuff being spewed by Wright and Pfleger is nothing more than what itching ears want to hear....
AXEMAN2415Posted - 08 Jun 2008 : 01:20:39
There's no doubt in my mind that Obama knew full well what his pastor was spewing from the pulpit. This "He never said that stuff while I was there" is crapola. The bad part about all of this is that it makes all preachers look bad. To me, racism and hatred is the same, no matter where the source, be it black or white.

And "Father" Pfleger is even worse, because he is using the embedded prejudices of Wright's congregation to further a political agenda that he knows full well Obama stands for.

Should Obama become president, though he has "washed his hands" of these associations (Wright and Pfleger), I cannot help but wonder what other nefarious associations he will align himself with, once he is elevated into a position that he feels makes him untouchable.
Captain BlastoPosted - 08 Jun 2008 : 01:07:51
I disliked the "Bible-spewing" descriptor for Irreverand Wright. The stuff he was spewing wasn't Bible...

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