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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AnonJrPosted - 28 Nov 2007 : 18:37:50
I am an active member of the forums over at (in case you didn't notice the link at the bottom, this is the project that powers this site). I came across this topic [link], where one of the members pointed us to a story posted in his forum [another link].

I thought I'd share the story (the second link) because its one of those stories that's just too good to not share.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AXEMAN2415Posted - 04 Dec 2007 : 13:05:09
How did I know that someone would bring me into
ShredheadPosted - 04 Dec 2007 : 02:53:12
Nah , he just smells that way lol I'm told .
Captain BlastoPosted - 03 Dec 2007 : 08:43:21
I thought it was "Bad" Will that was dead.....

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