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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AnonJrPosted - 23 Aug 2007 : 12:58:22
I've made a lot of customizations to the basic Snitz Forum code on which this site is based. Some of the more recent changes have been to address the rise in automated spam bots. When talking with Will about some of the work I've done to thwart spammers, he always asks "What do they get out of it?"

Well, someone has passed along to me a paper that helps explain that. Here it is:

Your thoughts?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AnonJrPosted - 28 Aug 2007 : 22:34:17
Originally posted by Grime
Most spam is to generate ad revenues for the spammer in one or both of two ways. The first is they get paid by the company/person whose product(s) they present for each bulk mailing, blog commented on, etc. The second is that once in a while they actually get someone to click through the ads a generate revenue for the click through.

Bottom line, spam is about money.

True enough - money is exactly what they get out if it. Fortunately I have the joy of adding that there seems to be a group of people who have decided that its better to shoot the spammers in the wallet as opposed to just "shooting the messenger" as it were.

[Computer World Article]
AXEMAN2415Posted - 26 Aug 2007 : 12:09:27
spreading good cheer, telling cute/funny stories, offering porn,

But you repeat yourself.....

And...spam is quite good cooked with eggs.....
GrimePosted - 26 Aug 2007 : 02:15:59
Ok. First of all, that's way too much reading for my ADD addled brain to possibly grasp. Second it's two o'clock in the morning and I should be asleep. Third, I didn't see a clear answer to what spammers get out of spamming.

Most spam is to generate ad revenues for the spammer in one or both of two ways. The first is they get paid by the company/person whose product(s) they present for each bulk mailing, blog commented on, etc. The second is that once in a while they actually get someone to click through the ads a generate revenue for the click through.

Another aspect of spam are the chain letters promising good luck, spreading good cheer, telling cute/funny stories, offering porn, etc. By the spreading of these e-mails, they can collect a list of working addresses to spam. Bigger mailing lists means more ad revenues from the companies that pay them.

Bottom line, spam is about money.
AnonJrPosted - 24 Aug 2007 : 09:03:58

Infuriating buggers, aren't they?

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