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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ShredheadPosted - 16 Jul 2007 : 06:47:44
An email I recieved , webheads should enjoy .

The Japanese have finally revealed a mystery for us .

How does the small arrow on your computer monitor work when we move the mouse?

Haven't you ever wondered how it works?

Now,through the miracle of high technology, we can see how it is done. With the aid of a screen magnifying lens, the mechanism becomes apparent.

Click on the link below and you will find out. The image takes a minute or two to download and when it appears, slowly move your mouse over-left/right/up/down on the
light gray circle and you will see how the magic works - also see what happens when you move the mouse faster then stop - amazing .
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AnonJrPosted - 17 Jul 2007 : 07:03:32
Ha ha ha ha! I love that!

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