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T O P I C R E V I E W | Shredhead | Posted - 12 Jun 2007 : 04:57:32 Anyone else out there play around with open tunings ? | 14 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) | AnonJr | Posted - 22 Jun 2007 : 06:26:01 Those are cool. 
how about using a human capo? | Shredhead | Posted - 22 Jun 2007 : 05:26:37 Hey Will , at 2:20 , what's happening ? It sounds like a part of the "loop" is playing backwards , while the rest continues to play forwards .
Because 1 capo is never enough .
| Shredhead | Posted - 16 Jun 2007 : 17:37:06 , have your people call my people , we'll do
quote: Now why in the world would you place my name within the pantheon of such magnificent players? I am a good player, but those are great, iconic players, people who not only innovate their craft, but heck, even created it.
Because William , my young friend , you have it in you , & to say you don't know your craft or your instrument , would be a lie . Mark my words ! Time will prove me usual . | AXEMAN2415 | Posted - 16 Jun 2007 : 12:45:36 Now why in the world would you place my name within the pantheon of such magnificent players? I am a good player, but those are great, iconic players, people who not only innovate their craft, but heck, even created it. I am not one of those. But I am honored, nonetheless.
You are right,Shred, it is the musical sensibility that makes the difference. But, like I said before, the Black Crows are a great band, and they do have musical sensibility. However, again you're right, Shreddy, that Robinson is trying to find fault in others to eclipse his laziness. | Shredhead | Posted - 16 Jun 2007 : 07:59:02 The thing is , Dolly doesn't call herself a guitar player . People like Rich Robinson try to mask { or even justify } their laziness by pointing out faults in others , whether they exist or not . I don't think you could say people like Knopfler , Vai , Clapton , Page....Rauser , lack musical sensibility . | AXEMAN2415 | Posted - 13 Jun 2007 : 22:16:03 I think the music itself makes an open tuning appropriate. Believe me when I say that I have nothing against open or odd tunings. Even many old blues players used anything and everything but "standard" tuning. In Gilbert's case, he thought through the results he was looking for. Even Edward Van Halen used odd tunings ("Top Jimmy" is an excellent example of that). Of course, Edward rarely used "standard" tuning any way. He either tuned a half-step below pitch, or for live situations, he tuned down a whole step.
My whole point was how there are many players who simply aren't willing to study their instrument out of sheer laziness. Rich Robinson from the Black Crows is a good example of this. The Crows are a great band, and they have great tunes, but Robinson's attitude toward his own instrument really chaps me. All he ever does is tell people how guitar players with great technique lack musical sensibility. Robinson isn't the only artist who does this. I may have to pull some quotes from interviews that I have with him in various guitar magazines.
To get back to your question, Anon, the appropriateness of an open or odd tuning is largely personal, and if I hear a song that I dig, and find out later that it is in odd tuning, well, then that artist is showing me his/her inventiveness. I know I opicked on Keith Richards, and I stand by my analysis, the Stones have a couple of killer tunes, "Shattered" being my particular favorite. And that song is in an odd open tuning.
But the music has to dictate the tuning, not just the simplicity of the technique. I once saw Dolly Parton do song on a live talk show, where she played an acoustic guitar and her voice. She sang wonderfully, and the simple I-IV-V chord progression she was playing didn't require very much harmonic ingenuity. However, she played the entire piece with one finger! She played in an opn "E" tuning, which only required her to fret her dominant 7th chords with one finger, and she had long finger nails!
I suppose that you couldn't call that cheating, because her guitar playing wasn't the focal point of the performance. But I wouldn't call her a guitar player either. A singer/songwriter, sure; but calling that guitar playing would be like saying Hitler was just an intense person. | AnonJr | Posted - 13 Jun 2007 : 20:26:25 I've got to add a "sarcasm" smilie... and I'm sure that Keith has played many an open G string - but back to the topic at hand.  
Have you heard Paul Gilbert's "Three E's for Edward"? He tunes the first three strings to E - each an octave apart. And does it sound good!
It makes for an odd tuning, and I'm sure we can agree that Paul knows his instrument... which leads me to a question: when would you consider it "appropriate" for someone to use an open/odd tuning? Is it one of those things that you have to have a specific purpose for? (like a theme/sound/something other than lazyness) | AXEMAN2415 | Posted - 13 Jun 2007 : 13:44:26 Okay, I should have added Phil Keaggy, as he is a monster player. Point well taken, Shred.
quote: Actually I found it quite challenging to learn new scale patterns & finger postions for chords , maybe it's just me though.....then again , maybe not
Yes, it is quite challenging to learn new finger patterns, scales, and chord shapes in other tunings. But I guess what I meant was that many modern players don't even try to learn their instruments, in standard or other tunings. I mean, how many metal players have you met or read about who say, "I don't know any scales, I'm afraid if I learn theory or scales that I will mess up what I have." What a crock of excrement!
Ole Phil Keaggy knows his instrument, whether in standard or otherwise.
As far as Keith Richards, well, he rarely uses any other tuning other than the open G he still uses today. Richards is great at songwriting and creating a singular style, but his playing skills are nominal, and even he will admit that. He was once quoted as saying, "If there's competition between guitar players, well, I never even filled out the entrance application." | Shredhead | Posted - 13 Jun 2007 : 03:18:34 quote: Don't hold back, tell us what you really think.
Actually I found it quite challenging to learn new scale patterns & finger postions for chords , maybe it's just me though.....then again , maybe not 
Phil Keaggy Phil provided the "*" tunings; thanks, Phil!
What A Day
I Will Sing *EG#EG#BC# (open E6) [PKNL, TJL+]
Love Broke Thru
As The Ruin Falls (words from a poem by C. S. Lewis) +DGCFAD (std, down a full step) [TJL]
Wild Horse +DGCFAD (std, down a full step) [TJL]
Just the Same +Drop D [TJL+] (for the live acoustic version)
Ph'lip Side
Spend My Life With You +Drop D [TJL]
Town To Town
Life, Love and You *Open G
Way Back Home
It Could've Been Me (Phil Keaggy and Sheila Walsh) *Open G
Maker of the Universe +DGCFAD (std, down a full step) [TJL+]
Here and Now +DGCFAD (std, down a full step) [TJL+]
Nah , you're referring to people that use their index finger as a capo ?
| AnonJr | Posted - 12 Jun 2007 : 21:37:45 Even Kieth Richards?  | AXEMAN2415 | Posted - 12 Jun 2007 : 21:32:00 The only players that I thought did some interesting things with open and odd tunings are;
1. Jimmy Page ("Kashmir") 2. the late Micheal Hedges ("Breakfast in the Fields")
Everyone else just sounds cheesy to me. | AnonJr | Posted - 12 Jun 2007 : 20:44:02 Don't hold back, tell us what you really think.  | AXEMAN2415 | Posted - 12 Jun 2007 : 17:35:06 I have dabbled in odd open tunings, but, with the exception of slide playing, I think open tunings are cheating. I know, it's the music, not the technique, that's important, but I kind of get tired of hearing about these guys who say, "Well, I just like to create music, not worry about technique." Read, "Well, I am too lazy to study and learn my instrument." | AnonJr | Posted - 12 Jun 2007 : 06:22:59 No, but I love that slide.
If memory serves, Keith Richards was always good for some odd tunings... |