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T O P I C    R E V I E W
michael322006Posted - 26 Jan 2007 : 05:06:41
What have you all been doing? I know that you must be getting ready for the tour coming up. You definitely have my prayers for not only a good concert but for safe journy as well as the many lives that will be changed.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AXEMAN2415Posted - 29 Jan 2007 : 17:21:00
I guess I am the biggest!

Hey, we are staying busy....But it's a good busy.
michael322006Posted - 29 Jan 2007 : 14:38:44
so you must be weighing what 12.768 pounds now?
AXEMAN2415Posted - 26 Jan 2007 : 16:28:01
Eating lots of food, practicing, eating lots of food, repairing gear, eating lots of food, writing columns, eating lots of food, doing interviews, eating lots of food...oh and did I mention eating lots of food?
AnonJrPosted - 26 Jan 2007 : 10:28:48
We've been up to quite a bit - checking the light show, making sure all the amps, etc. are in good working order, tweaking the set list, tweaking the web site... lots of fun!

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