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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AnonJrPosted - 10 Nov 2008 : 21:50:18
Gizmodo ran this article recently about Samsung using Ozzy's trademark ... speech ... to sell a text messaging service. How the mighty have fallen. There's a video in the article below.
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ShredheadPosted - 14 Nov 2008 : 03:48:25
Probably safer that you can't understand him lol
AnonJrPosted - 13 Nov 2008 : 06:57:45
It has been parodied how many times?

I wonder if this was Sharon's idea...
AXEMAN2415Posted - 12 Nov 2008 : 17:57:59
I think it's hilarious! I mean, Ozzy can't keep singing forever. He needs to keep working somehow. I love Ozzy's voice and music, but it ain't what it used to be. The fact that he is trading on his quirkiness is a smart move.Sometimes, you have to laugh at yourself....

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