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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ShredheadPosted - 14 Jul 2009 : 04:20:22

Steve Fielding wants to convince Al Gore he's wrong

This is the chart climate change sceptic Senator Steve Fielding hopes will convince Al Gore that global warming is not real.

Senator Fielding is trying to score a one-on-one meeting with Mr Gore, who is in Australia promoting several environmental causes, to prove to him that climate change sceptics are right.

Senator Fielding has promised to clear his schedule for any chance to meet the former US vice-president and Nobel Prize-winning environmental campaigner. "The ball's in his court," a spokesman for the senator told

The spokesman has said Mr Gore is aware that Senator Fielding holds a crucial vote in Parliament and that any major green schemes - such as the Government's model to reduce carbon pollution in Australia - essentially rely on his support.

"(Mr Gore) said 'look, the schedule's tight but hopefully we can work something out'," when Senator Fielding approached yesterday for a meeting on the issue, the spokesman said.

"We're clearing our schedule to see him. If he calls at three in the morning, we'd go," he said.

It is believed Mr Gore will only be in the country for another day or so.

Senator Fielding wants to present a graph to Mr Gore which argues global temperatures have stabilised during the past 15 years, even as carbon emissions have risen.

The graph was used by the UN in its reports on the effects of climate change. UN scientists say the world has warmed in the past 150 years, but temperatures have plateaued at warmer-than-normal levels in the past decade after a particularly hot year in 1998.

It is the same graph Senator Fielding showed Climate Change Minister Penny Wong when the pair met to negotiate on the proposed Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, which will set a price on carbon emissions.

"The Government needs to explain to the Australian people why global temperatures have remained steady over the last 10-15 years despite skyrocketing man made carbon emissions," Senator Fielding said on his website.

Senator Wong and Prime Minister Kevin Rudd have set a targets of cutting emissions by five to 25 per cent by 2020. Mr Gore said that was not enough.

Does this mean I can have all that extra tax back ??
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AnonJrPosted - 16 Jul 2009 : 07:26:44
They gotta get them before they're old enough for logic to displace fear...
BassGuitar777Posted - 15 Jul 2009 : 08:32:49
Well, they don't have to show stuff about it when I am watching SpongeBob. Every other commercial is about "The BIG Green Help" and on Disney, they keep showing "Friends for Change". IT IS SO ANNOYING!
AnonJrPosted - 15 Jul 2009 : 06:33:40
Originally posted by BassGuitar777
Global warming is a hoax.

Global warming and Global cooling in and of themselves are not hoaxes. The earth has warmed, the earth has cooled. What its doing now we really don't have the proper perspective to say.

What is a hoax is that man is having such a discernible impact. There are so many variables, and so many things that conveniently get left out of the computer models because its hard for us to figure its impact... simply amazing.

As a side note, we had a bit of a late summer in our part of the US, and every cold day that should have been a bright and sunny 70-80 F a friend of mine would look at me and say "D**n global warming."
AXEMAN2415Posted - 14 Jul 2009 : 22:10:49
Does this mean I can have all that extra tax back ??

Are you kidding? Of course not! That money is already spent!

And that's why "Global Warming" is such a big issue: Governments want two big things;

#1: More of your money

#2: More control over your life.
BassGuitar777Posted - 14 Jul 2009 : 09:20:32
Global warming is a hoax.

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