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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AnonJrPosted - 12 Jul 2007 : 21:23:44
I've noticed that these days some companies are really watching their budgets, but this is pushing it a little too much - controlling how much toilet paper is dispensed?
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AnonJrPosted - 16 Jul 2007 : 06:31:46
Originally posted by Shredhead
why do budget cuts always have to start at the bottom

Now that is funny.
ShredheadPosted - 16 Jul 2007 : 00:56:57
Hmmm...There's so much I could do with that,

I'm sure there is Will , luckily for us , you have waaay too much integrity for that lol .

On the other hand, I'm not sure this is one of those areas to target...

I agree Anon , why do budget cuts always have to start at the bottom lol .
I notice there's no concession for a persons dietry intake either , curry anyone ?? lol .
AnonJrPosted - 15 Jul 2007 : 21:13:42
Easy now...

On a more serious note, sometimes I wonder if you can take penny-pinching just a little too far. On the one hand, I recognize that a $0.20 slippage here and there multiplies into a very large sum over the course of a year. On the other hand, I'm not sure this is one of those areas to target...
AXEMAN2415Posted - 15 Jul 2007 : 21:12:38
Hmmm...There's so much I could do with that,
ShredheadPosted - 14 Jul 2007 : 03:49:19
I've met some people on another forum that should wear it around their wipe their chins .
AXEMAN2415Posted - 13 Jul 2007 : 15:12:52
With all of the crap at my job, we can't afford to scrimp on TP.....
Captain BlastoPosted - 13 Jul 2007 : 02:12:01
I suppose if they wanted to spite you back they could intentionally alternate every 20" of regular paper with 20" of extra rough...

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