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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AnonJrPosted - 15 Jun 2007 : 14:13:46
I really need to be working on a script to automate some database updates that really need to get done... but I'm finding it hard to focus this gorgeous Friday afternoon.

With that in mind, if any of you have ever wondered if Paul Gilbert has a sense of humor, here's your answer.

Have fun.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AnonJrPosted - 15 Jun 2007 : 22:43:10
I eventually got back to work...

And that's not the half of what he's got on his site. I'm still laughing over his "gallery of the evolution of my fashion and hairstyles"
AXEMAN2415Posted - 15 Jun 2007 : 17:38:42
Okay, now that's just!
ShredheadPosted - 15 Jun 2007 : 17:18:00
I think you need to get back to work lol .

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