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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ShredheadPosted - 22 Apr 2009 : 04:22:26
Toddler basher Troy Levi Galffy spared jail
April 22, 2009, 12:46 pm

A father whose "forceful kick" left his toddler with severe internal injuries has been spared jail because a judge says his actions are explainable and unlikely to be repeated.

The District Court today found Troy Levi Galffy lashed out at his three-year-old son, lacerating the boy's liver, due to "unexpected and subliminal forces" arising from his own childhood.

Judge Sydney Tilmouth said it was unlikely the violence that resulted when Galffy's son refused to move away from the front door of their home would occur again.

"The circumstances suggest you unjustifiably overreacted to a very minor situation... however, below the surface there were quite unusual dynamics at work," he said.

"You suffered childhood abuse yourself (and it) was brought to the surface on this occasion, producing intense anger and overcoming normal cognitive processes."

"But for these considerations, your actions would be wholly inexplicable and otherwise expose a potentially unacceptable risk of harm in the future."

Galffy, 34, of Paralowie, pleaded guilty to one aggravated count of recklessly causing serious harm.

In October 2006, he assaulted his son when the boy ran to the front door, curious as to who had knocked on it.

"This was a forceful kick delivered by a strong man against a defenceless toddler and as such was always inherently likely to cause serious injury," Judge Tilmouth said.

Galffy's wife later found the boy pale and crying - he vomited on her, buckled at the knees and said "my belly hurts."

A subsequent medical examination found his liver had been lacerated by the impact.
In sentencing, Judge Tilmouth said Galffy, his wife and son had repaired their relationship with the help of Families SA.

Galffy had also made progress with anger management and fatherhood counselling, and without his income it would be likely that his family would lose their home.

"Because of the unacceptable level of violence committed against one so young, a sentence of imprisonment is called for," he said.

"(But) this offence was triggered by unexpected and subliminal forces... it is appropriate to suspend the sentence."

He imposed a 29-month jail term, suspended on condition of a three-year, $1000 good-behaviour bond.

He ordered Galffy only be allowed to share a house with his son with the permission of the Department of Corrections.

You know guys...... I'll be totally honest here , I have a problem with my temper . I've never hit a woman , or a child { unless you're a tree hugger that thinks smacking is abuse } , it's something I see as sin in my life that I battle with every day . But I tell ya , if I ever run into this tool , I won't be battling anything . I'll give him some " unexpected & subliminal forces " .
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BassGuitar777Posted - 29 Jun 2009 : 16:08:47
What a jerk that guy is!
AXEMAN2415Posted - 24 Apr 2009 : 18:53:22
Here, Here! That's why you're called "Shred"....

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