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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AnonJrPosted - 02 Jan 2007 : 01:32:43
As if you couldn't tell, the new site is up and running. We've got a whole bunch of new features. Please let me know what you think. (Politely now... )
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BassGuitar777Posted - 19 Jun 2009 : 09:36:39
Awesome job dude!
AXEMAN2415Posted - 07 Jan 2007 : 20:49:37
Good! I'm as transparent as a foggy night...
jim@souljoyrecordsPosted - 07 Jan 2007 : 19:46:38
Everyone can see thru ON BABY
michael322006Posted - 07 Jan 2007 : 14:21:54
can you also see through big headed rockstars to. Hey look its Will I bet you can see right through him
AXEMAN2415Posted - 07 Jan 2007 : 13:10:50
False Prophets....
Captain BlastoPosted - 07 Jan 2007 : 10:07:02
You Know.... walls... lead... etc.
AnonJrPosted - 07 Jan 2007 : 10:06:39
Funny, I figured that doing what he did for a living he already "saw through" more than the rest of us... though I don't think his x-rays are in a pair of shades.
jim@souljoyrecordsPosted - 07 Jan 2007 : 02:24:34
Anon Jr,

Thats not to shabby on the gallery. pretty cool dude.

Oh If you need to see thru things Captain then go get yourself some x-ray
AnonJrPosted - 07 Jan 2007 : 01:45:04
Originally posted by Captain Blasto
Is there a way to incorporate an ability to see who is actively online within the site?

That I can look into.

Originally posted by Captain Blasto
And to see through stuff?

What sort of stuff would you like to see through?

Oh, and to all, I've updated the gallery a little. Let me know what you think.
Captain BlastoPosted - 07 Jan 2007 : 01:32:19
Yo... Guru...

Is there a way to incorporate an ability to see who is actively online within the site? And to see through stuff?
Captain BlastoPosted - 06 Jan 2007 : 20:19:59
I agree... great site!
jim@souljoyrecordsPosted - 06 Jan 2007 : 18:23:48

I will tell you bro the website is looking awesome. You have done a killer job. I like that you are continuing to improve the look and the content. Thats what we need...Keep up the great work....
AnonJrPosted - 02 Jan 2007 : 21:25:04
Thanks. Aside from some problems with the DNS server today the new site seems to be running fairly smooth - in spite of all those nightmares I had last night about everything crashing and burning.
FishingdPosted - 02 Jan 2007 : 21:01:21
Looks Great bro..You did a killer job

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