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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AnonJrPosted - 24 Jun 2007 : 14:36:52
What was the first Jesus Joshua song you heard? And which one is your favorite? Just an idle question.

I'll go first -

First song I heard: One of the tracks off of "Time of my Return" - don't recall which.... Rick was playing the CD when we had gone to his house for bible study many years ago.

My current favorite: a tie between The Rut You’re In and S.O.S. (both are off of "Three the Hard Way")
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MazahsPosted - 14 Aug 2007 : 05:37:28
first song i heard? I'm not sure honestly (could that be a future JJ title? LOL), though my fave song is "Rut You're In, those lyrics speak volumes about the state of humanity. I do feel the need to point out that the relevance of those lyrics will never go away :).
AXEMAN2415Posted - 19 Jul 2007 : 22:46:26
I suppose that's the rut you're in...Rock on...
AnonJrPosted - 19 Jul 2007 : 17:38:39
You're wrong. I Believe you'll see you are there.

(wow, a whole sentence made of the song titles with nary an extraneous word!)
AXEMAN2415Posted - 17 Jul 2007 : 14:20:56
Yes they certainly nailed that one. I do think it rocks.

It seems to me that Nails and S.O.S. are somewhat thematically related. (not that that is a bad thing)

You seem to have some big expectations....
michael322006Posted - 17 Jul 2007 : 12:59:16
Last Days is an awesome song. I think every song from that cd makes you want to jump up and start praising Jesus
AnonJrPosted - 17 Jul 2007 : 07:07:01
Yes they certainly nailed that one. I do think it rocks.

It seems to me that Nails and S.O.S. are somewhat thematically related. (not that that is a bad thing)
michael322006Posted - 16 Jul 2007 : 10:55:27
Axeman silent???? *laughs uncontrollably* in a one hour phone conversation I might be able to get at least 3 minutes of air time the rest of the 57 minutes is spent listening.

First song I heard I believe was "Nails" I fell in love with that song
AXEMAN2415Posted - 16 Jul 2007 : 09:40:44
Hey, Grime, my old pal! Yes, you've known about the band since the first! Talk about old, er, I
GrimePosted - 15 Jul 2007 : 23:52:55
The first song I heard was at one of your practice sessions back when you were practicing in that storage facility. It was, "The Time of My Return" and before you guys had a CD. My current favorite is "You Are There."
AnonJrPosted - 15 Jul 2007 : 21:15:10
Originally posted by AXEMAN2415
Silent is my middle name...

Uh, no. This is coming from the guy who can't stand 2 min. of silence on a road trip.
AXEMAN2415Posted - 15 Jul 2007 : 21:10:55
Silent is my middle name...

Okay, maybe not, but hey, I've heard 'em all
herbhalsteadPosted - 14 Jul 2007 : 23:02:34
I guess they are living up to the "silent" part of your descriptor. :D

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