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Smile [:)]Big Smile [:D]Cool [8D]Blush [:I]
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ShredheadPosted - 15 Dec 2006 : 02:54:30
Well done men , a truly quality cd !
While the first two were good , you have outdone yourselves with this little gem . I'm 40 & love it , my son is 15 & says it rocks , not a bad range of appeal I'd say .
Thankyou for your generosity , the t-shirts are cool , I'll wear them with pride .
A safe & blessed Christmas to you all......sorry ya'll .
Hopefully one day I'll be able to bless you guys as much as you have all blessed me .
I pray our Father continues to bless & use you , to bless His body .
Thanks again
Shred .

© Jesus Joshua 24:15 - A Soul Joy Records Recording Artist
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