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T O P I C    R E V I E W
stormieangelPosted - 20 Jun 2007 : 02:26:52
I'm new to this forum.
JesusJoshua is an awesome band! .


20   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
stormieangelPosted - 12 Jul 2007 : 23:10:22
Not only are you good looking, you guys are hilarious!
AXEMAN2415Posted - 03 Jul 2007 : 15:56:06
You worked in the kitchen? Gee, no wonder the older set didn't live that long.....
michael322006Posted - 03 Jul 2007 : 09:03:34
hey Will now that you are almost at retirement age I used to work at a retirement home all you have to do is tell them you know me and Im sure they will give you a discount and a view of the river. :) and for your info I worked in the kitchen.
ShredheadPosted - 03 Jul 2007 : 01:49:26
The real question is how you handle it afterwards.

Amen .
AnonJrPosted - 02 Jul 2007 : 19:32:18
We all have our moments of brightness, and our moments of not-so-brightness. Just ask Will...

The real question is how you handle it afterwards.
stormieangelPosted - 02 Jul 2007 : 17:17:00
I felt like a fool when I realized you were all married. Of course, it wouldn't be the first time I felt like a fool.
AXEMAN2415Posted - 02 Jul 2007 : 15:27:31
Why would you think you're foolish, stormie? Anyone who can recognize how good looking I am can't be too
ShredheadPosted - 02 Jul 2007 : 00:37:24
A fool ?? Nah , you're no fool Stormie , but if you're feeling foolish well at least you won't be lonely here lol .
stormieangelPosted - 02 Jul 2007 : 00:05:10
Hope I gave you guys a good laugh. Once a fool......always a fool.
AXEMAN2415Posted - 25 Jun 2007 : 19:37:14
Ya'll just bring yourselves , & if you don't like Shreds'own homemade steak sauce , I'll Fedex a bottle of A1 over

Don't you Ausie's mean A-1 Roo sauce?
ShredheadPosted - 25 Jun 2007 : 01:45:59
Should I bring a bottle of A1 Steak sauce?

Ya'll just bring yourselves , & if you don't like Shreds'own homemade steak sauce , I'll Fedex a bottle of A1 over

My friend came back from Iraq, and he told me that the Army had some Hindus working the Mess Hall, cooking, so he ordered all of the Beef products that he could, just to upset!

AXEMAN2415Posted - 24 Jun 2007 : 13:30:42
Should I bring a bottle of A1 Steak sauce?

My friend came back from Iraq, and he told me that the Army had some Hindus working the Mess Hall, cooking, so he ordered all of the Beef products that he could, just to upset!

Anyway, I coined the term "Ancestor Sauce" instead of "A-1 sauce", because the Hindu's believe that their ancestors come back as cows, and so they won't eat beef.

Make sure you have coffee handy for the sermon...

I heard that...
AnonJrPosted - 24 Jun 2007 : 06:46:26
Should I bring a bottle of A1 Steak sauce?

Make sure you have coffee handy for the sermon... (Kidding)
ShredheadPosted - 24 Jun 2007 : 00:48:25
I'll save one for ya lol ...... then we all could hear the sermons in person , instead of mp3 !
AXEMAN2415Posted - 23 Jun 2007 : 19:00:11
Ah, yes, red favorite...I will have to try some, if I ever make it to Australia....
ShredheadPosted - 23 Jun 2007 : 17:22:16
Roo is red meat , tastes nothing like chicken , but it will put a spring in your step lol .
AXEMAN2415Posted - 23 Jun 2007 : 11:14:58
MMMMM...Tastes just like chicken....
AnonJrPosted - 23 Jun 2007 : 09:48:45
You Aussies will barbecue just about anything... and that's a good thing.

Would that be like the other other white meat? or is a 'roo red meat?
ShredheadPosted - 23 Jun 2007 : 03:48:37
I LOVE kangaroo's...... bit of garlic butter , some sage mmmMMMmmm
AXEMAN2415Posted - 22 Jun 2007 : 19:15:24
You're only more handsome to a Kangaroo....

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