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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BassGuitar777Posted - 22 Aug 2009 : 11:25:19
Yesterday, my Grandma bought me a new case for my bass guitars,(both of my basses can fit in it,not at one time though). It was made by SKB in Orange,California. IT ROCKS!
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AnonJrPosted - 25 Aug 2009 : 20:39:44
Here it is:

I should probably go back and add Google's Picasa to the list.
AnonJrPosted - 25 Aug 2009 : 20:35:23
You'll have to host them somewhere else and link to them from here. I'll see if I can dig up the post with the directions.
BassGuitar777Posted - 24 Aug 2009 : 11:18:35
How do I post pics on this website?
AnonJrPosted - 22 Aug 2009 : 15:14:28
Sweet. No pictures?

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