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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AnonJrPosted - 07 Dec 2006 : 20:48:19
This week I've finally gotten around to listening to two very awesome albums

- Steve Vai's Passion and Warfare
- Sammy Hagar's Marching to Mars (which really has me hooked for some reason I can't identify)

I'm glad you let me ... borrow ... them.
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
michael322006Posted - 11 Dec 2006 : 08:55:33
AXEMAN2415Posted - 10 Dec 2006 : 20:41:07
Good, that will give me at least a year to work up to your
michael322006Posted - 10 Dec 2006 : 13:31:32
Will I got you scheduled for Jan. 5,2008 at 9:15am-1035am. Let me know if it conflicts with your work schedule
AXEMAN2415Posted - 10 Dec 2006 : 11:15:47
I'll worry about just one neck, if you don't mind...
AnonJrPosted - 09 Dec 2006 : 15:29:49
I guess you're gonna dream another dream?

And anyone who can play a three-necked guitar like that doesn't have to worry about impressing anyone. (Vai plays a three-necked guitar in the G3 in Austin DVD.... all I can say is WOW! )
AXEMAN2415Posted - 09 Dec 2006 : 12:01:46
How long to the point of no return? By the way, don't you have me scheduled for a lesson, too? LOL!
michael322006Posted - 08 Dec 2006 : 22:07:23
yup yup I taught Steve Vai everything he needed to know about the guitar *wakes up from the dream* errr where am I? this doesnt look like Kansas anymore
AXEMAN2415Posted - 08 Dec 2006 : 16:18:09
Steve Vai is an awesome player, but he is an awesome composer, as well...and I think he is simply more musical than most shredders because Vai isn't concerned with impressing anyone. Anybody who earned the right to play with Frank Zappa doesn't need to worry about impressing anyone else...

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